Developer Console

Console v1.1.1 - March 10, 2014


The console script gives the developer a lot of tools to use in order to test their game. Some key features are toggling events on or off, a more accurate FPS counter, and moving the character around.

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Keyboard Manager

Keyboard Manager v1.1.0 - April 9th, 2015


The Keyboard Manager allows a developer to define a static set of keybindings for the game to use.

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Object Reinitializer

Object Reinitializer v1.0.2 - February 24th, 2014


The Object Reinitializer attempts to fix issues regarding old save files being loaded onto a new version of a game, and then receiving an error for a variable being nil. This script is NOT foolproof, but it will help solve issues in most cases.

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Scriptbox Error Info Fix

Scriptbox Error Info Fix v2.0.0 - Februrary 5th, 2014


The Scriptbox Error Fix fixes a bug in the default Ace program where whenever an event encountered an error when running a ‘Script…’ command, it would report an error on line 1411 of the Game_Interpreter. The purpose of this script is to fix this by providing useful information as to a bug’s location.

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